Student Solution


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1 University

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1 Subject

DQ3_Creating Affiliated loyalty

DQ3_Creating Affiliated loyalty

Q View the following short video about the Starbucks rewards program. Discuss the role of technology as a retail organization seeks to solidify and add to its customer base, all the while encouraging existing customers to both buy more and buy more often. Use at least 2 specific references to this video.

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Starbucks has created a very fun and unique advertisement for their reward programs on cards which will avail discounts on their products for the customers. Digitization is making its place stronger in the current market day by day and this new advertisement has highlighted the fact more. The advertisement is animated and it uses fun and quirky visuals to display how their reward program actually works. It is a matter of fact that visuals can help to make things more exciting as in the advertisement there is a hand picking up the cards and then earning little stars. This is fun to watch and the company knows that this will attract the customers’ attention.